Thursday, June 16, 2005

Disinformation Rules

We all like to think the best of our neighbors, but the evidence suggests that the Disinformation Brigade is again on the march. Draw your own conclusions about their motivations - I certainly have - but don't surrender your minds to them. Exhibit A: Contrary to reports elsewhere, city council agendas and minutes are readily and easily available to any interested party. You can pick them up in person at the City Council meeting, at the City Clerk's office, or, lo and behold, online at this Web space created and maintained by the office of the City Clerk, Marcey Wisman:

Agenda for City Council meeting

I won't commend Marcey for doing her job, but I will commend her for the way she does it.

Folks, there is no conspiracy to withhold information from you. If you have evidence there is, let me know and I'll fight alongside you to get it. But, as a local columnist demonstrated this past Sunday, an small but vociferous faction in this town is bound and determined to spread disinformation and rumor. Consider the source when you rely on the Web for "information."


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