Thursday, February 24, 2005

Fiddler on Hauss Square

Beloved Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof, for those of us deprived of regular trips to Broadway, may best be known for his deedle-deedle-deedle-dee warbling of If I Were a Rich Man.

The emperor Nero, in legend, fiddled while Rome burned.

Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to stay, wanted to go...

The shadow government of New Albany for most of its history has been the local Democratic Party, and now that the party is finished licking its presidential election year wounds, the factions have coalesced for a showdown in just 10 short days. If I Were a Democrat (and I am), I'd be watching this one closely to try to divine the direction of the county's Democrats and just who will be the "public face" of the party, as one new friend puts it.

But I digress. Wednesday's upcoming Public Affairs Symposium isn't talking capital "P" politics. That can wait until next Saturday (okay, maybe until next Thursday). We're addressing New Visions for Downtown New Albany and we continue to solicit your comments, ideas, questions, research, and financial contributions (oops, strike that last one) as we finalize the topic list.

Some of you seem to think you need a personal invitation. You don't. Post a comment here or e-mail me if you a) don't care for your writings to be public, or b) are put off by the Blogger registration procedure. My e-mail is Click there and you'll be part of the symposium.


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